

The Department of Diplomacy and International Studies launched the Africa Centre for the Study of China (ACSC) yesterday 27th, May 2024, under the theme "Bridging Cultures, Advancing Knowledge." This significant event marked a historical milestone for both the department and the entire university, taking place in the Chandaria Auditorium.

The event hosted distinguished guests, including H.E. Dr. Zhou Pingjian, the Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to the Republic of Kenya, Professor Jack Odhiambo, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Dr. Patrick Maluki, Director of the Institute of Diplomacy and International Studies, Professor Amb. Maria Nzomo, Professor Emeritus at the Institute of Diplomacy and International Studies, and Mr. Mutinda Mutisya, Chair of the Organizing Committee of the Africa Centre for the Study of China (ACSC), among others.

Prof. Jack Odhiambo, representing Vice-Chancellor Prof. Stephen Kiama and Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor Leonida Kerubo, welcomed the visitors and expressed admiration at witnessing the fruition of this visionary initiative. He noted that Kenya and China share a long and storied relationship, transcending geographical boundaries and cultural differences. “The Africa Centre will serve as a catalyst for intellectual exchange and academic partnerships within and beyond”.

"The center aims to be an intellectual hub, facilitating joint teaching and research endeavors to generate knowledge and understanding of China's culture and history. Additionally, it will offer scholarships," as mentioned by Director Dr. Patrick Maluki.

VC Prof. Stephen Kiama emphasized that the Africa Centre for the Study of China will serve as a hub of excellence, a beacon of scholarship, and a catalyst for informed dialogue on all aspects of Sino-African relations. Through interdisciplinary research, academic exchange, policy analysis, and public engagement, the Centre will seek to illuminate the complexities of this multifaceted relationship and contribute to the development of constructive strategies for mutual benefit.

H.E. Dr. Zhou Pingjian, the Chinese Ambassador, of the People's Republic of China to the Republic of Kenya, highlighted in his keynote speech the importance of the Africa Centre for the Study of China in promoting cultural exchange, academic collaboration, and mutual understanding between China and Africa.

Mr. Mutinda Mutisya, Chair of the Organizing Committee of the ACSC, noted their mission to provide comprehensive insights into China's development strategies and their implications for Africa through rigorous research and dialogue. He celebrated the launch of the Centre as a hub for academic excellence, policy analysis, and cross-cultural understanding, highlighting its role in hosting conferences, workshops, seminars, and fostering collaboration between scholars and practitioners.

Other speakers at the event included Prof. Maria Nzomo and Dr. Kizito Sabala, who delivered the vote of thanks.

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