

The Department of Diplomacy and International Studies hosted His Excellency Silvio Albuquerque, the Brazil Ambassador to Kenya, today on May 29th, 2024. The ambassador engaged with both staff and students at the University of Nairobi Towers, in Room MLT 405, sharing insights on the theme 'Brazilian Identities.' Present at the event were the Dean of the Faculty, Professor Jack Odhiambo, the Director of the Department of Diplomacy and International Studies, Dr. Patrick Maluki, and Dr. Shazia Chodhry Lecturer from the department, among others.

H.E. Silvio stated that Brazilian identity is a rich tapestry woven from a diverse range of cultural, historical, and social threads, including cultural diversity, language, and the Carnival. He emphasized the significance of sports, particularly football, in Brazilian culture. In Brazil, football is more than just a game; it's a way of life. Children across the country grow up playing football in streets, parks, and beaches, dreaming of one day becoming the next national hero. The sport transcends social and economic barriers, bringing people from all walks of life together to support their favorite teams and players. Brazil's success in football on the international stage has played a significant role in shaping its national identity."

The session culminated with an engaging question-and-answer segment, during which attendees had the opportunity to seek clarification and delve deeper into the topics discussed with the ambassador. Participants eagerly posed thoughtful inquiries, ranging from Brazil's cultural intricacies to its diplomatic endeavors in Kenya and beyond. H.E. Silvio Albuquerque graciously fielded each question, offering insightful responses that further enriched the dialogue

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