
Discussion on Community-led Development By Dr Angela Pashayan from American University

The Institute for Development Studies (IDS) had the pleasure of hosting students from American University-Washington DC during their visit to Kenya. Dr. Angela Pashayan, representing American University, led an engaging discussion on the topic of Community-led Development.

This enriching discussion focused on exchanging ideas and best practices that either promote or obstruct community-led development. It offered a platform for students to share their perspectives and learn about the approaches taken in both the US and Kenya regarding this critical subject.

The interactive session included a survey where students expressed their views on factors that influence community-led development. This exchange not only broadened the understanding of the participants but also highlighted the importance of cross-cultural dialogue in fostering effective community development strategies.

IDS remains committed to nurturing collaborations with like-minded institutions and providing opportunities for intellectual exchange. This visit is a testament to IDS's dedication to enhancing global cooperation and knowledge sharing in the realm of development studies.

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